Exciting: Pi-powered Freelancing Platform WorkforcePool’s Mainnet is All Set to Launch

WorkforcePool is an innovative platform backed by Pi cryptocurrency.
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Fueling the excitement for Pi2 Day within the Pi Network community, WorkforcePool, a Pi Network Hackathon winner, has announced its Mainnet version launch on June 28.

Powered by Pi Network’s Pi tokens, WorkforcePool is a blockchain-based freelancing platform that is currently in the testnet phase, and its highly anticipated Mainnet version is scheduled to launch on Pi2 Day.

While answering several challenges in the freelancing industry, such as security and trust between clients and freelancers, the blockchain-based platform aims to build a healthy and advanced freelancing platform that provides talents with new opportunities based on an improved meritocratic system.

Indeed, WorkforcePool introduces a new use case for Pi coins, exhilarating Pioneers (Pi miners) the most.

Pi Network WorkforcePool: Pioneers can hire and work in exchange for Pi coins

After Fireside Forum, WorkforcePool will also enable users to spend their Pi coins for something valuable.

On WorkforcePool, users can use their Pi coins for enjoying various services without paying with fiat currencies like USD and EURO. This clearly demonstrates the value created for Pi crypto.

Like Fireside Forum, the WorkforcePool will also attract Pioneers to leverage the platform and contribute to building a stronger Pi Network ecosystem.

By introducing useful dApps, Pi Network is setting up a solid pillar for its Open Mainnet success.

WorkforcePool Mainnet does not mean an Open Mainnet

Many Pioneers have been seen considering the WorkforcePool’s Mainnet launch on June 28 (Pi2 Day) as the Open Mainnet launch of Pi Network; however, this is not the case.

The Mainnet of the freelancing platform will still be an enclosed Mainnet. This means only Pioneers within the Pi Network can participate on the platform and use their transferred Pi balance.

ALSO READ | WorkforcePool Introduces Pi Airdrop, Golden Chance To Earn FREE Pi Coins

Those who are still not a part of the Pi Network will have to wait until the Open Mainnet launch to join the blockchain-based freelancing platform.

As of writing, the Pi Team officials have not announced the schedule for the Open Mainnet launch.

How to get started with WorkforcePool

WorkforcePool is backed by the Pi cryptocurrency, necessitating Pioneers to have Pi coins available in their Pi wallet.

Pioneers can easily transfer their mined Pi coins to the Pi wallet by following a step-by-step procedure, including steps like Committing to Lockup, KYC verification, and more.

Once they have some Pi coins in their Pi wallet, they can register on the WorkforcePool platform after its Enclosed Mainnet launch, accessible at “pi://www.workforcepool.com“.

Note: The web address of WorkforcePool must be opened within the Pi Browser app.

After registering on the freelancing platform, users can find jobs or hire freelancers for their projects. Clients and freelancers must deal with the Pi cryptocurrency instead of other fiat currencies.

For more information about the WorkforcePool platform, individuals may visit their official website at workforcepool.com.

What is Pi Network?

Pi Network is a popular cryptocurrency project that launched in March 2019 with the objective of spreading cryptocurrency around the world while eliminating the complex technical aspects from the users’ side.

Pi Network enables users to mine Pi coins (the native digital currency) on smartphones, discouraging the use of power-intensive hardware and the environmental degradation caused.

ALSO READ | Viral Rumor about Pi Network’s Open Mainnet Launch Sparks Interest Again

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Sanjiv Jaiswal
Sanjiv Jaiswal

Founder and Chief Editor
Jaiswal is a dedicated explorer of blockchain technology, crypto realm, and financial markets. With a passion for data analysis and a love for simplifying complex topics, he leads the Moneybinds team in delivering valuable and genuine insights.

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