Pi Network Unveils New Roadmap with an Attractive Interface

Pi Network has finally released the first version of the roadmap.
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Pi Network, the most popular mobile mining crypto project, has released version 1 (v1) of the roadmap, which it announced on October 9. As announced, the Pi Core Team (PCT) unveiled the roadmap in late October (on October 31) with a better-than-expected interface.

As mentioned in the announcement, the new roadmap, accessible via https://minepi.com/roadmap/, is focused on Pi Network’s progress so far. It has showcased over 20 active products in a well-categorized and well-organized manner, making it easy to understand for millions of Pioneers.

Pi Network roadmap v1
Pi Network roadmap v1 | Image via Pi Network (minepi.com/roadmap/)

What is Pi Network Roadmap v1 All About?

The first version of the Pi Network roadmap is the upgraded version of the older roadmap present in the Whitepaper 2021, with an addition of product progress. It covers the following two major topics:

1) Pi Network’s Phases

The new roadmap reminds the Pi community about its three-phase roadmap and that it is currently in the third phase, which is the Mainnet phase. The first two phases were Beta and Testnet.

That said, it clearly indicates that the project is currently on the Mainnet but with a firewall, restricting the network from communicating with the outside blockchain. This network is called the Enclosed Mainnet and will allow Pioneers to complete their KYC and hence migrate to the Mainnet.

Pi Network enclosed mainnet period
Pi Network enclosed mainnet period | Image via Pi Network

Regarding the Open Mainnet, it states that Pi Network will enter the open mainnet period once the network gets enough maturity and the majority of Pioneers complete their KYC. Meanwhile, the network will also be building useful utilities and dApps to strengthen the Pi Network ecosystem.

2) Pi Network Product Progress Roadmap

The Product Progress roadmap showcases the progress of the Pi Network’s ecosystem of utilities and dApps.

Divided into four categories, Apps; Platform; Blockchain; and Community, this section of the roadmap effectively illustrates the work being done by the Pi Network team and the community to meet its primary goal of building a robust ecosystem of products powered by Pi cryptocurrency.

The purpose of all these products is to make PI the most widely adopted and the most valuable peer-to-peer digital currency.

Pi Network product progress
Pi Network product progress roadmap | Image via Pi Network

What makes this new roadmap interesting?

The most fascinating thing about this fresh roadmap is that it showcases the phases of the Pi Network project in a more friendly and precise way.

The product progress roadmap indeed reflects how strong the ecosystem has already become. It includes all the past and recent developments within the Pi Network ecosystem, such as Pi Chat with the new Staked DMs feature, Fireside Forum, and more.

Notably, the interface of this version of the roadmap is much better and more attractive than the previous versions.

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Attribution: Road map icons created by Prosymbols Premium – Flaticon

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Sanjiv Jaiswal
Sanjiv Jaiswal

Founder and Chief Editor
Jaiswal is a dedicated explorer of blockchain technology, crypto realm, and financial markets. With a passion for data analysis and a love for simplifying complex topics, he leads the Moneybinds team in delivering valuable and genuine insights.

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