Pi Network’s Roadmap v2 Will Have Plans About Open Mainnet, Senior Editor Reveals

Pi Network Roadmap v2 to contain details about Open Mainnet.
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As per a recent tweet by @PiNewsMedia, a popular Pi news handle on X (Twitter), Mr. Swaroop Poudel, a Core Team member, senior editor, and Community Director at the Pi Network, revealed in a conversation on the Pi Chats app that the second version of the new Pi Network roadmap will have future plans about the Open Mainnet.

Roadmap v2 will have future plans, which will attempt to provide more context into what it takes to get to Open Mainnet.

swarroppoudel, via Senior Pioneers channel on Pi Chats app

This revelation was a response to a Pioneer (calcobra94) in the chat who openly showed little disappointment about the v1 roadmap. He added,

It’s good. But does NOT highlight the threshold/citeria Pi needs to hit before open mainnet.

calcobra94, via Pi Chats App

v1 Roadmap couldn’t meet Pioneers’ expectations

Release on October 31, the first version of Pi Network’s previously announced roadmap seems to have disappointed many Pioneers (Pi Network users). Millions of Pi users were expecting a straightforward roadmap for the Open Mainnet release schedule included in the roadmap; however, it is not about Mainnet.

This v1 roadmap is all about P Network’s products and roadmap for the progress of the ecosystem where it includes over 20 dApps and utilities built on the Pi Network.

v2 Roadmap to include plans about Open Mainnet

As announced by the Pi Core Team, the second version of the roadmap will be released in December, which will also consider the Pioneers’ feedback on the first version. To give your feedback, you may visit the v1 roadmap and find a link for submitting feedback in the Product Progress section.

In the announcement, the team confirmed that the December version roadmap will not include an exact schedule for the launch of the open mainnet; rather, it will include the requisites to enter the open mainnet.

That said, if Pioneers’ feedback impacts well, the Pi Core Team may think about providing more detailed context about the open Mainnet, as also hinted by the senior editor.

Pi Network v2 roadmap announcement
Pi Network v2 roadmap announcement | Image via Pi Network

The v2 roadmap will provide comprehensive guidance about Pi Network’s future plans in the current Enclosed Mainnet and also specify upcoming features, requirements, initiatives, and upgrades that the Pi Network needs to achieve before entering the Open Mainnet.

Source: @PiNewsMedia↗

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Sanjiv Jaiswal
Sanjiv Jaiswal

Founder and Chief Editor
Jaiswal is a dedicated explorer of blockchain technology, crypto realm, and financial markets. With a passion for data analysis and a love for simplifying complex topics, he leads the Moneybinds team in delivering valuable and genuine insights.

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