Pi Network’s Mainnet Countdown Reset: New Speculation After Roadmap Release

Deriving the most likely date for Open Mainnet release.
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Pi Network, as promised in an earlier announcement, released the first edition (v1) of its roadmap on October 31. With a major focus on past and currently ongoing developments in the Pi Network ecosystem, the v1 roadmap provides a comprehensive product progress roadmap with an intuitive interface.

However, many Pioneers have expressed their disappointment with this roadmap as it did not discuss the Open Mainnet schedule. No surprise as the announcement had already clarified that none of the roadmaps to be released this year would include the open mainnet schedule.

Millions of Pioneers are still waiting for an announcement regarding the open network’s rollout; and as usual, they will have to rely on speculations until official news comes out.

In the following section, we derive a highly probable date for the Open Mainnet launch based on the patterns of Pi Network’s major releases.

Expected Date for Open Mainnet Release

The year 2023 is coming to an end, and with it, the possibility of seeing an open mainnet this year. The v2 roadmap, which will also lack a timetable for entering the open mainnet, will be released in December.

Pi Network Mainnet countdown
Pi Network open Mainnet | Image via Moneybinds

Pi Network usually releases its major products and features on special days associated with Pi. Specifically, Pi Day (on March 14) and Pi2 Day (on June 28) are the two most likely dates for something big happening within the Pi Network.

Because Pi Day 2024 is relatively closer to the release of the v2 roadmap in December, the Open Mainnet is unlikely to launch on this day. So, Pi2 Day 2024 can be the most reasonable launch date.

Pi Network Open Mainnet launch date
Image via minepi.com/white-paper

It is worth considering Pi Network’s statement explaining that the Pi Network will enter the open mainnet only when the project gets enough maturity and the majority of Pioneers have completed their KYCs. As a result, there is a chance that the Pi network team will decide to enter the Open Mainnet on some other days than the ones mentioned earlier.

If Pioneers were following any earlier countdown for the Mainnet launch, they should reset it to the new most likely date for Pi Network Open Mainnet rollout, that is, June 28, 2024.

The community’s speculation on the Mainnet launch

The majority of Pioneers in the community have speculated dates the same as what we covered above. An X/Twitter user, @mstor168, shared a post speculating an Open Mainnet launch between March and June 2024.

However, some Pi Network users also anticipate that the launch could be delayed until December 2024 or early 2025.

Bottom Line

One should remember that Pi Network is supposed to be a revolutionary crypto project with a focus on achieving long-term goals; rather than rushing for short-term profits.

It is advisable for Pioneers to have enough patience with the project if they believe in the vision and dedication of the Pi Core Team.

Disclaimer: This article is solely based on the author’s opinion. No official announcements about the Open Mainnet launch schedule have been made so far.

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Sanjiv Jaiswal
Sanjiv Jaiswal

Founder and Chief Editor
Jaiswal is a dedicated explorer of blockchain technology, crypto realm, and financial markets. With a passion for data analysis and a love for simplifying complex topics, he leads the Moneybinds team in delivering valuable and genuine insights.

One comment

  1. Well-written and informative article! I appreciate the author’s efforts to research and analyze the Pi Network roadmap and provide a reasonable estimation of the Open Mainnet launch date. I agree that Pi Network is a revolutionary crypto project with long-term goals, and Pioneers should have patience with the project.

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