Fireside Forum: Official App to Earn & Spend Pi Coins

Fireside Forum is not a typical Social Media app.
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Launched on May 30, 2023, the Fireside Forum is Pi Network‘s latest innovative utility-based app in the market. As the platform’s name suggests itself, it is a forum-like pure Web3 social app that incorporates tokenomics into the core of this project.

In today’s world, Web2 social platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and many more have gained immense popularity. However, in the Web3 space, there is still a gap for such a platform that can serve users with even more secure, advanced, and healthier social interactions. This gap is now filled by Pi Network’s Fireside Forum.

Don’t overlook this new app as it is likely to create numerous opportunities for the Pioneers and ultimately strengthen the community. You can even earn Pi coins through this platform, which we will discuss later in this article.

This article covers everything you need to know about the Pi Network Fireside Forum.

What is Fireside Forum?

Fireside Forum is the Pi Network’s recently launched Web3 social platform serving users with more productive conversations and healthier social interactions. This platform works on a mechanism that uses tokenomics to reward positive content while discouraging negative material.

Fireside Forum is powered by the Pi cryptocurrency and the community on this platform will be driven in a decentralized way.

In simpler language,

Fireside Forum is a new social media platform that uses blockchain technology to incentivize users to create high-quality content and engage in constructive conversations. While the platform is still in its early stages, it has the potential to change the way we interact online.

Pi Network’s official announcement

By using blockchain technology, Fireside Forum can stand as a social media platform that is more rewarding, engaging, and productive than traditional Web2 platforms.

How does Fireside Forum Work?

Fireside Forum has a one-of-a-kind design that uses tokenomics to encourage accountability, authenticity, and healthier online social interactions. The platform implements a cost mechanism that is critical in shaping user behavior and fostering a decentralized social network.

In Fireside Forum, in-app tokens are the key to participating in various activities such as posting, replying, interacting with content, and promoting posts. These tokens can be purchased using Pi cryptocurrency on the Pi Mainnet, enabling users to engage in the platform’s ecosystem.

Pi Network Fireside forum
Image via @PiCoreTeam/Twitter

The Fireside Forum’s cost system enables communication, helpful idea exchange, and content creation while also holding users accountable for their actions. It evens out the platform’s general behavior.

To maintain fairness and ensure a thriving community, Fireside Forum integrates decentralized voices and crowd actions. This means that good content and behavior are rewarded through a combination of tips and costs, creating a system where users are incentivized to contribute positively.

How can you Earn Pi cryptocurrency from Fireside Forum?

As stated earlier, the blockchain-based social platform uses a cost mechanism, powered by the Pi cryptocurrency. Users on this platform can use their balance (Pi coins) in the Mainnet to first buy Fireside’s in-app tokens and then spend them to do activities like posting, commenting, and promoting posts on the platform.

Also, one can show appreciation for the content of another by rewarding him with in-app tokens. Here’s your chance to earn tokens by creating interesting and useful content for the platform.

Pi Network Fireside Forum Tokens
Pi Network Fireside Forum Tokens | Image via Moneybinds

You will be able to exchange these in-app tokens for Pi coins once the Pi Core Team makes them exchangeable. This way, the Fireside Forum allows users to earn Pi coins by actively posting good content.

How to use Fireside Forum?

Now that you are aware of the benefits of the Web3 social app, you, as a Pi miner, may want to start using the platform to get the earliest benefits. Here is the detailed guide on using the Pi Network Fireside Forum platform.

Note: Since the platform requires the use of Pi coins, Pi miners (Pioneers) must have their mined Pi coins transferred to the Mainnet to be involved in interactions.

To use the Forum, you will need to open your Pi Browser app. This app can be installed from the majority of app marketplaces like the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.

Open the Pi Browser app and there you will see the “Fireside” icon alongside the KYC icon. Click on this icon.

Before you can perform any actions like posting and boosting content on the platform, you will need to buy in-app tokens using Pi coins. To do so, tap on the “My tokens” option in the tab below. You will see three options to buy the tokens as follows:

  1. 100 tokens for 1 Pi
  2. 1,000 tokens for 10 Pi
  3. 10,000 tokens for 100 Pi

If you have already transferred your Pi balance to the Mainnet, the corresponding amount will be deducted from the Mainnet balance.

Pi Network Fireside Forum Home
Fireside Home Screen | Image via Moneybinds

The Home Screen: The first screen you will see is the home screen, which contains all of the conversations and interactions. The ones with the most number of “Fires” will be at the top (trending).

Pi Network Fireside Forum Channels
Channels | Image via Moneybinds

Channels: Channels can be understood as topics for specific types of discussions. For example, a channel #SocialMediaWeb3 will likely contain content related to the Web3 social platforms.

Use of Fires: “Fires” can be bought using Pi coin and used to boost better and trending posts. Interestingly, these Fires will fade over time to make room for newer content.

Pi Network Fireside Forum Create Post
Create Post | Image via Moneybinds

Posting content: To post content on the platform, click on the “Post” option from the bottom tab. A box will pop up asking you to choose a channel to post content in. Choose a channel and set a title for the content. Then, write the content in the content box. Once you are ready with your content, hit the “Create New Post for 1 Token” button. You may also boost your content when publishing by giving “Fires” to it.

Getting rewarded: Once you post good content, others may like it and tip you with tokens. Those tokens may be used for other activities within the app or redeemed for Pi coins in the future.

Pi Network Fireside Forum Tokens
In-app Tokens | Image via Moneybinds
Pi Network Fireside Forum Profile
Pi Network Fireside Forum Profile | Image via Moneybinds

Profile: The profile section will show your balance, the number of tokens you received as tips, and more.

Is Fireside Forum Pi Network’s next step toward Open Mainnet launch?

what is pi mainnet
Image via Moneybinds

Pi users have been desperately waiting for the launch of the Pi Network Open Mainnet. However, due to several reasons, it has yet not been launched and may take a few more days or even months.

Having said that, the Fireside Forum offers enthusiasts new reasons to be optimistic about the impending launch of the Open Mainnet because it makes excellent use of the Pi coins. It will support the Open Mainnet’s launch by assisting the community in giving the virtual currency more value.

Hence, we can say that the Fireside Forum is one more effective step toward the Pi Network’s Open Mainnet launch.

Is it Worth using Fireside Forum?

There are many social media platforms available today, so it makes sense to need some solid justifications to use this new self-moderating blockchain-based Web3 social platform.

You may also want to read our guide on claiming MetaMask Airdrop for FREE $MASK tokens.

To get an idea whether it is worth spending time on this new platform or not, let’s take a look at the key features of it:

Key features of Fireside Forum:

  • Blockchain-based decentralized platform. No authority controls you.
  • It boasts to provide a much healthier and more responsible environment than traditional social apps.
  • You can use Pi coins in place of fiat money to boost your posts and expose your content to a larger audience.
  • Good content will always be appreciated and promoted.
  • Earn Pi cryptocurrency by creating good content.

In addition to these features, as an early user of Fireside Forum, you may be eligible for future benefits. The platform, thus, appears to be worthwhile.

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Final Thoughts

To sum up, the Fireside Forum is an innovative step toward the betterment of the Web3 space. The Pi Network has been successful in developing utility-based apps that add value to the Pi cryptocurrency, and this platform is one of the best.

Pi users may stay optimistic about the Pi Network project after this launch. However, it is still a fact that 1 Pi = $0. Nevertheless, as the community will become more mature, the digital currency will certainly get value in the future as its open mainnet launches.

For now, those who believe in Pi Network should get involved on this new platform and remain active in the community.

Disclaimer: This article solely reflects the author’s opinion.

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Sanjiv Jaiswal
Sanjiv Jaiswal

Founder and Chief Editor
Jaiswal is a dedicated explorer of blockchain technology, crypto realm, and financial markets. With a passion for data analysis and a love for simplifying complex topics, he leads the Moneybinds team in delivering valuable and genuine insights.

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