Crypto Lending: Tips to generate passive income with crypto

Crypto lending is one of the most efficient ways to make money with idle crypto.
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If you have crypto assets sitting idle in your wallet, you have the option to make them productive and generate passive income through crypto lending.

Lending protocols play a vital role in the crypto industry as they serve as money markets that bring together two types of users lenders and borrowers.

For users who want to borrow additional capital while using their existing capital as collateral, these protocols provide the necessary assistance.

The process involves a simple transaction where the lender supplies their assets to the lending pool, and the borrower obtains a loan from the pool by providing collateral. The interest paid by the borrower is then received by the lender, creating an ideally profitable transaction for both parties involved.

This article provides you with some tips to generate passive income through crypto lending.

You may also want to learn about crypto faucets to earn cryptocurrencies for FREE.

What is Crypto Lending?

For the uninitiated, crypto lending serves as a platform that facilitates the exchange of crypto assets through borrowing and lending services, wherein interest payments are involved. The fundamental principle behind its operation lies in peer-to-peer lending, where lenders and borrowers establish direct connections by utilizing lending platforms as intermediaries.

Through these platforms, lenders offer their crypto assets for borrowing purposes, while borrowers access these assets by providing collateral. As a result, interest payments made by borrowers are directed toward the lenders, ensuring a mutually beneficial transaction.

How does Crypto Lending Work?

Earn passive income with Crypto lending
Image via Moneybinds

When a lender supplies their tokens to a liquidity pool known as an LP, he receives LP tokens in return. These LP tokens are generated by a smart contract and represent the tokens initially provided. They can either maintain a 1:1 ratio with the original tokens or act as accrual tokens that increase in value as interest is generated.

When lenders want to retrieve their tokens, they can simply exchange the LP tokens for their original tokens. Lenders will only invest their capital in the LP if they perceive a chance to earn profits.

When a user intends to borrow from the lending pool, they offer supported tokens as collateral. These tokens can be deposited into the LP or stored in the borrower’s wallet.

Tips for Maximizing Passive Income with Crypto

You can turn your idle capital into productive capital by easily transferring it to a lending protocol and earning interest. In exchange for your participation, you will be given governance tokens, which will serve as value accrual tokens.

However, it is important to note that the amount of interest you earn from providing liquidity is influenced by the performance of the market.

Here are the pointers you should embrace to maximize passive income through crypto lending:

Choose the right platform

Earn passive income with Crypto lending
Image Via Moneybinds

In the crypto space, there exist numerous platforms, categorized as either centralized finance (CeFi) or decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms.

In order to access certain Centralized platforms, users are required to be accredited investors, meeting specific income or savings criteria to qualify for an account.

On the other hand, decentralized finance (DeFi) is a platform that operates without centralized governance. It enables lending and borrowing services managed by smart contracts. The lending and borrowing process occurs instantly, offering a superior and rapid user experience through decentralized applications.

You can choose one of the two kinds and start your crypto lending journey right away. The following are some of the best crypto lending platforms you can research for:

  1. CoinRabbit (CeFi)
  2. Binance (CeFi)
  3. Nexo (CeFi)
  4. Aave (DeFi)
  5. Compound (DeFi)
  6. MakerDAO (DeFi)

Risk management

When selecting a stablecoin as collateral, it is crucial to consider factors such as collateralization, size, and liquidity to ensure optimal risk management.

One popular option is USDC, which is backed by a one-to-one ratio of US dollars, providing stability due to its non-volatile nature.

Additionally, there are other stablecoins available, such as DAI, which utilize Ethereum and USDC as collateral to support the value of their stablecoin.

Assessing the size of a stablecoin entails examining its market capitalization. A higher market cap indicates greater trading volume, which signifies increased market activity.

Furthermore, liquidity plays a vital role in risk management, with stablecoins boasting a daily trading volume above $500 million considered favorable. This level of liquidity instills trust in the stablecoin’s reliability and ability to meet market demands.

Yield farming LP tokens

The LP tokens obtained by users when they provide liquidity to a protocol can be utilized across various Decentralized Applications (DApps) as well. Initially, when lending and borrowing started gaining popularity, the utility of LP tokens was not clearly defined. The only source of income at that time was the interest charged to borrowers.

However, now users have the opportunity to generate income by utilizing their LP tokens by farming them in other protocols. This means that in addition to earning yield from lending their assets, users can use their LP tokens to generate even more yield.

This process is referred to as compounding, and the feature in decentralized finance (DeFi) that enables this is known as composability.


The interest rate that lenders receive from the lending pool is typically influenced by the number of assets borrowed from the pool and the current market conditions. As a result, higher borrowing activity can lead to higher interest rates for lenders, but this is contingent upon the performance of the market at that particular moment.

Users can earn annual percentage yields (APY) ranging from 2% to 8% by lending their assets, which is determined by factors such as the specific lending protocol, the type of assets being lent, and the duration of the lending period.

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Crypto lending pools within DeFi are widely recognized as an excellent means of generating passive income. By lending your capital to a reputable pool, you can enjoy consistent passive returns, with only fluctuations arising from the market conditions.

Disclaimer: This article solely illustrates the opinion of the author. Readers should not take it as financial advice.

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Nima Tamang
Nima Tamang

Nima Tamang is a cryptocurrency and blockchain analyst with a keen interest in exploring the intersection of traditional finance and emerging technologies. As a regular contributor to, Nima shares insights and analysis on the latest developments in the crypto, blockchain, and NFT space, helping readers stay informed and make informed investment decisions.

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