Viral Rumor about Pi Network’s Open Mainnet Launch Sparks Interest Again

The vibrant Pi Network community often get confused between a rumor and authentic news .
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Pi Network, a promising crypto player, has long been anticipated for the launch of its Open Mainnet. Meanwhile, various news and rumors continue to circulate on social media. Another rumor has recently spread and is going viral.

On July 2, a Twitter handle shared a screenshot of an unauthorized message indicating that the Pi Core Team is preparing to announce the official launch date for the Open Mainnet. The unauthorized information also indicates that the team is aware of the demand for a Pi coin exchange platform.

The Pioneers within the network had high hopes for the launch, even speculating it would take place on Pi2 day. However, since there was no official announcement regarding the Open Mainnet launch, the community experienced a sense of disappointment.

However, the recent rumor about Pi Network’s Open Mainnet launch has reignited excitement among Pi Network members about the much-anticipated Open Mainnet launch.

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The source of the rumor can be traced back to a tweet shared by @_raysunited, a dedicated Pi Network enthusiast.

In their tweet, they mentioned a message from the Pi core team that allegedly confirmed an upcoming official announcement regarding the open mainnet.

According to the shared message on the Fireside Forum, the Pi core team stated that they are in the final stages of necessary preparations and conducting extensive testing to ensure a successful transition to the Open Mainnet.

Although the message did not specify a particular date, it generated a lot of interest among Pi Network users who have eagerly awaited this development. However, it is important to note that the message in the screenshot remains unverified, leading to both concern and intrigue within the community.

Many well-known Pi enthusiasts have rallied behind and shared the tweet, amplifying its reach despite the absence of official confirmation. Conversely, there are also community members who dismiss the tweet as false news.

@PiBrowser, a reputable information source on the Pi network, has explicitly labeled the unverified tweet as fake news and appealed to Pioneers not to propagate such misinformation on Twitter.

We have also shared a tweet, making people aware of this fake news.

What is Pi Network Open Mainnet?

The Pi open mainnet represents a crucial stage in the evolution of the Pi Network, signifying the shift from the existing “Enclosed mainnet” testing phase to a fully functional and decentralized network.

This phase will grant users the ability to participate in a variety of activities within the Pi ecosystem, including buying, selling, and exchanging Pi coins. Additionally, users will have the opportunity to contribute to the creation and validation of new blocks, execute transactions, and engage in a diverse array of networks.

Final Thoughts

With the news of the impending open mainnet launch circulating, it is anticipated that discussions within the cryptocurrency community will gain momentum. Pi Network users and enthusiasts are eagerly anticipating this significant event.

It is advisable to exercise patience and await the official announcement from Pi Network officials, which will provide updates revealing the specific date and further details about the open mainnet launch.

The launch of the Open mainnet marks a monumental milestone for the Pi network, as it holds the potential to shape the future of the cryptocurrency space. With a visionary team, advanced technology, and a growing community, the Pi Network is well on its way to achieving this milestone and making a lasting impact.

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Nima Tamang
Nima Tamang

Nima Tamang is a cryptocurrency and blockchain analyst with a keen interest in exploring the intersection of traditional finance and emerging technologies. As a regular contributor to, Nima shares insights and analysis on the latest developments in the crypto, blockchain, and NFT space, helping readers stay informed and make informed investment decisions.

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