Decoding Pi Network’s Roadmap: What’s Hidden About Open Mainnet?

Pi Network has revealed its roadmap plan!
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Pi Network, a massively supported cryptocurrency project, has been criticized heavily for being late to launch its open mainnet. Indeed, it’s already been over four years and there’s no proper schedule for the launch.

After many requests and appeals by the community, the Pi Core Team (PCT) finally teased an announcement that has ignited the community again. They have announced the launch of a fully transparent and up-to-date roadmap for the project.

Let’s decode that announcement and see what’s hidden in it about the highly anticipated launch of the open mainnet.

Roadmap Overview

According to the roadmap announcement, the Pi Network team will release the project’s detailed pathway in two phases. The first will land this month in mid- or late-October, and the second is planned to land in December after comprehending feedback from the community.

The roadmap announcement has clearly stated that it will not reveal the exact timeline for the mainnet launch but will reveal the necessary steps to be taken to enter the open mainnet as soon as possible.

Here’s how the roadmaps will be designed:

Version 1 – October Release

Version 1 of the Pi Network roadmap will focus on past achievements and the currently ongoing efforts to achieve certain milestones. Basically, this roadmap will provide transparency on the project’s initial objective, how it has done things, and how far it has reached in the journey.

Version 2 – December Release

Version 2 of the roadmap will give pioneers a clear idea of what Pi Network is planning to achieve. This roadmap will be the output of the community’s valuable feedback and the developers’ plans.

So, despite the Core Team’s pre-notice that the schedule for the open mainnet launch will not be included in this particular roadmap, there is a very high chance that they will provide sufficient hints and a clear pathway for it.

The Hidden Hint for Open Mainnet Launch

In the December version section of the roadmap announcement, the Core Pi Team has stated that they will include features, requirements, upgrades, and other initiatives to be taken to enter the Open Network period. This means that once those requirements are fulfilled, we can see the open mainnet. However, depending on the depth of the requirements, this may take several months or even a year.

That said, once the team reveals the necessary steps before entering the mainnet, speculation about the mainnet launch will become easier and more precise, making the community optimistic again.


As per the roadmap announcement, it seems that PCT does not have any concrete short-term plan for the mainnet launch; instead, they are focused on improving the ecosystem and achieving everything required for a successful open mainnet without being hurried.

Pioneers should also not hurry and wait substantially if they truly believe in the project and want to be a part of a revolutionary journey.

To stay updated on the latest Pi Network news, follow us on X (Twitter) and Pi Network’s official social channels.

Also, let us know in the comments what you think about this subject matter 🙂

Disclaimer: This article solely reflects the author’s opinion.

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Sanjiv Jaiswal
Sanjiv Jaiswal

Founder and Chief Editor
Jaiswal is a dedicated explorer of blockchain technology, crypto realm, and financial markets. With a passion for data analysis and a love for simplifying complex topics, he leads the Moneybinds team in delivering valuable and genuine insights.

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