MATIC Price Prediction 2023, 2024 – 2035: Can Polygon (MATIC) Reach $100 dollars?

One of the most detailed Polygon MATIC price predictions is here!
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According to our MATIC price prediction, MATIC’s minimum and maximum prices in 2023 will be $0.753 and $1.955, respectively.

MATIC may mark a new all-time high in 2025.

Will MATIC reach 100 dollars? – Yes, MATIC can potentially reach a $100 price.

Since its launch in 2019, Polygon (MATIC) has been a prominent player in the crypto market. It made its fan base even stronger in the bear market run in 2022 as it was one of the few digital currencies that survived the declining market and showed green signals.

However, in the past few months, the digital asset has seen a lot of ups and downs and is still too far from its all-time best price. This has led crypto-interested people to wonder about its future prices. Questions such as “Will Polygon MATIC reach 100 dollars? and “What will be the price of MATIC in 2023, 2024, 2025,….., 2030, and so on” often arise in their minds.

To get you covered, we have this extensive Polygon MATIC price prediction guide which will explain everything regarding MATIC price forecast and its market situation, including many crucial topics about Polygon (MATIC).

Let’s go through every topic required to comprehend the subject effectively and efficiently.

Disclaimer: This article is solely the author’s opinion and should not be perceived as financial advice. The cryptocurrency market is highly volatile and uncertain, and investors should only make investment decisions after conducting extensive research and assessing their risk tolerance.

Polygon MATIC icon Polygon (MATIC) Overview

💱 CryptocurrencyPolygon
💵 Symbol (Ticker)MATIC
💲 Price (USD) $0.37
💰 FD Market Cap $3,659,377,548.33
💸 Total Supply10,000,000,000 MATIC
🚀 All-time high$2.9232 (December 27, 2021)
📉 All-time low$0.003012 (May 9, 2019)
Polygon (MATIC) current statistics

How much is Polygon (MATIC) worth?

Polygon MATIC’s current price is $0.37, with a fully diluted market cap of $3,659,377,548.33. Its total (max) supply is capped at 10,000,000,000 (10 billion) MATIC.

MATIC achieved an all-time high of $2.9232 in late 2021 and an all-time low of $0.003012 in early May 2019. It stimulated its price chart on April 29, 2019, with a price of $0.004418.

What is Polygon (MATIC)?

what is polygon matic?
What is Polygon (MATIC)? | Image via Moneybinds

The Matic Network (now known as Polygon) is a technology initiative that aims to solve major issues with Ethereum-based projects. It was founded in 2017 in Mumbai by experienced professionals such as Jaynti Kanani, Sandeep Nailwal, and eight others, with a focus on scaling mechanisms. Following the US Securities and Exchange Commission’s allegations, Polygon declared former Chief Legal Officer Marc Boiron as CEO on July 7.

MATIC is the platform’s native token, which was launched in April 2019. It’s used for gas fees, governance participation, and as part of the growing Polygon DeFi ecosystem.

Polygon (MATIC) is a blockchain framework that addresses some of the critical challenges faced by Ethereum.

While Ethereum is renowned for its popularity and security, it encounters limitations when it comes to interoperability with other blockchains and congestion issues due to high user demand.

Polygon aims to overcome these limitations by offering a simple-to-use framework for building Ethereum-compatible blockchains. It strives to bridge the gaps between blockchains, promoting collaboration and removing technological barriers.

The platform provides developers with various modules to deploy and configure custom blockchains. These blockchains leverage Polygon’s proof-of-stake (PoS) sidechain to enhance transaction speed and reduce fees.

In brief, Polygon presents a framework for building Ethereum-compatible blockchains to enhance scalability, interoperability, and user experience. Its goal is to create an interconnected network of blockchains, fostering collaboration and seamless value exchange across different platforms while being carbon negative.

Polygon (MATIC) Analysis

Before we jump on to making Polygon (MATIC)’s price forecasts, let’s go over the following four analysis sections that will support our predictions throughout this article.

Also, as an investor, trader, or enthusiast, it is critical to understand these analysis perspectives so that you do not believe anything about the Polygon (MATIC) market blindly. At least, you will have an idea about assessing the market independently.

1) Fundamental analysis

Fundamental analysis involves assessing the project’s team, partnerships, adoption rate, underlying technology, and future developments. A strong fundamental foundation can contribute to long-term value appreciation.

In the case of Polygon, we can be confident in its solid fundamental foundation.

The entire Polygon ecosystem is co-founded by ten experienced and talented individuals, which is great in itself. Since the beginning, they have successfully brought their foundation so far.

The blockchain platform received $450 million in new venture financing in February 2022. This demonstrates the confidence and hopes that investors have in this project.

After a month, in April 2022, the project went Carbon Neutral. Polygon has committed to being carbon negative, contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gases and promoting environmental sustainability.

Due to its extremely low gas fees, Polygon (MATIC) is also used quite a bit for buying and selling NFTs. As we can observe from the growth of NFTs, Polygon MATIC has significant NFT transaction usefulness.

Polygon was designed to help Ethereum scale. It can process up to 65,000 transactions per second, which is significantly faster than Ethereum’s current network. Polygon has also made significant progress in terms of security, community support, and adoption.

Polygon’s main objective is to serve as a blockchain solution for traditional businesses by integrating it into their products. It can provide businesses with more security, scalability, and interoperability. Polygon is a problem-solving product (PSP), which is undeniably a type of product that the market favors for long-term success.

Numerous Web 2.0 tech giants, such as Meta, Reddit, Google Clouds, Adobe, Robinhood, Stripe, Adidas, and eBay, have already partnered with Polygon for future projects. This demonstrates the Polygon Network’s excellent foundation and indicates that the long-term price of MATIC will likely be higher than expected.

Polygon MATIC partnerships
Polygon MATIC partnerships | Image via Reddit/(u/MOMSHIEANN)

Furthermore, the POL Whitepaper v0.2 presents Polygon (MATIC)’s new protocol architecture, Polygon 2.0, and proposes the native token, POL, as a fundamental tool for the growth and coordination of the Polygon ecosystem. POL aims to establish Polygon as the Value Layer for the Internet, offering innovative features and utility.

The introduction of a distinct Staking Layer concept, powered by POL, is highlighted as a unique chain coordinator capable of supporting numerous Polygon chains in a variety of configurations. The developers believe that, after Bitcoin and Ethereum, Polygon 2.0, with the Staking Layer, could be the third most influential project in terms of innovation and adoption.

The whitepaper also outlines the process of migration from MATIC to POL, and the economic simulation model confirms the hypothesis, supporting POL as a promising asset for the ambitious vision of the Value Layer.

2) MATIC Tokenomics

Polygon (MATIC) Tokenomics
Polygon (MATIC) Tokenomics | Image via CoinMarketCap

Understanding the tokenomics of a cryptocurrency provides insights into its supply and demand dynamics, which are key factors influencing its price.

MATIC tokenomics outlines how the supply of MATIC tokens is distributed among different groups, including investors, the project team, advisors, developers, and the community. This distribution helps fund the project’s development, reward contributors, and support the growth of the MATIC ecosystem.

  • Launchpad Sale: 19% of MATIC tokens were initially sold to the public through a launchpad sale, allowing interested individuals to invest in the project.
  • Seed: A small, 2.09% of MATIC tokens were allocated to early investors during the seed funding stage, helping to fund the project’s development.
  • Early Supporters (Private Sale): Polygon offered 1.71% of MATIC tokens to early supporters and private investors who believed in the project’s potential before its public launch.
  • Team: 16% of the MATIC tokens are held by the core team of the project. This share is a reward for their efforts in developing and promoting the project.
  • Advisors: 4% of MATIC tokens were distributed to advisors who provided guidance and expertise to the project.
  • Foundation: The project’s foundation, which may be used to support ongoing development, partnerships, and community initiatives, received a sizeable chunk (21.86%) of MATIC tokens.
  • Network Operations: 12% of MATIC tokens were set aside to pay the costs of network operations that guarantee the efficient operation of the blockchain and related services.
  • Others: The remaining 23.34% of the tokens have been allocated under “dApp-Dev Drops + Strategic Partners/Developers/User Promotions“. Developers and partners who built applications on the MATIC network, as well as promotional activities that encourage user engagement are powered by this share of tokens.

It is worth noting that a notable amount of tradable MATIC tokens are held by giant crypto players, known as the “Whales.”

3) MATIC Price Analysis

While it is challenging to predict the price movements of cryptocurrencies accurately, we can analyze the trends and patterns in the historical price charts to find out useful insights about them such as the type of events that caused prices to rise and fall and the overall price movement of the particular digital coin.

Because Polygon (MATIC) is a mature and stable cryptocurrency project, we would benefit from longer time frame data to more precisely analyze its price movements and market behavior. In this analysis, we will be looking at MATIC’s past 1-year of price data (25 July 2022 – 25 July 2023) to statistically forecast its future price movements.

Polygon (MATIC) price prediction analysis
Image via CoinMarketCap
Minimum$0.559319 (10 June 2023)
Maximum$1.559103 (18 February 2023)
Polygon (MATIC) price analysis (25 July 2022 – 25 July 2023)

MATIC’s Extreme prices

DateExtreme prices
16 February $1.371723
17 February $1.525588
18 February $1.486840
19 February $1.478552
20 February $1.474328
21 February $1.384936
22 February $1.397024
Extreme values from 25 July 2022 – 25 July 2023

Surprisingly, there were no significant low prices during this time period; instead, there were only extreme up prices from February 16 through February 22, a full week.

On February 18, 2023, Polygon (MATIC) peaked at $1.559103, fueled by Polygon’s announcement about its collaboration with Google Cloud. Polygon will be able to scale the project using Google Cloud’s infrastructures. Following this announcement, the market reacted positively, with the price reaching an all-time high in 2023 and experiencing extreme price increases throughout the week.

However, following the US SEC’s recent announcement about the digital asset, its price plummeted, reaching a low of $0.559319 on June 10, 2023. Polygon (MATIC) was declared a security by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), making it difficult for investors to invest in it and holders to hold it.

Nonetheless, this drop in price didn’t last for long and the market is gradually recovering from the crash caused.

The coefficient of variance of the prices (C.V) is impressively low at 19.26%, which is considered low enough to indicate that the data is consistent. This means that the average price of $0.925093 has been fairly consistent over the time period. As a result, we can predict that the price of Polygon (MATIC) will remain stable around this average value until more significant events occur in the near future.

Because the overall behavior of the digital currency is unlikely to change significantly in a year or two until something big occurs, this price analysis not only aids in the prediction of short-term price movements but also leads to the prediction of mild long-term price movements.

4) Polygon (MATIC) market sentiment analysis

In the crypto realm, market sentiment analysis examines the present sentiment or emotional behavior of people toward the entire crypto market or a specific one. Before making any speculations about the asset, it is essential to understand how market sentiment analysis predicts future market movement.

Polygon (MATIC)’s market sentiment is mixed, meaning it is neither too favorable nor too unfavorable.

On the one side, there is excitement about Polygon’s new breakthroughs and launches, the most recent of which is the zkEVM, as well as the company’s continued growth in partnerships with significant web 2.0 behemoths.

The Polygon MATIC circle, on the other hand, is concerned about the US SEC’s recent pronouncement that MATIC is a security, which has made it more difficult for investors to invest in MATIC and the project to acquire funds in the United States.

Nonetheless, there are many positive aspects of the project and many recognized personalities in the crypto world have appreciated Polygon and are optimistic about the project.

Vitalik Buterin, the creator of Ethereum, Changpeng Zhao, the CEO of Binance, Balaji Srinivasan, the former CTO of Coinbase, Amit Sharma, the CEO of Polygon Studios, and many other personalities are vocal supporters of Polygon (MATIC), which clearly reflects the long term potential of Ethereum’s this particular Layer 2 scaling solution.

“Polygon” and “MATIC” mentions on social media platforms such as Twitter, Reddit, and YouTube can also be tracked to analyze market sentiment for the digital currency. The more people talk about this cryptocurrency, the greater the social dominance on MATIC’s market will be.

Notably, MATIC’s short-term market sentiment may fluctuate between positive and negative, but the long-term attitude is seen as favorable and stable.

5) MATIC’s correlation with other cryptocurrencies

To some extent, the measure of correlation between cryptocurrencies can be useful in analyzing and forecasting future price movements of digital assets. Correlation coefficients between any crypto pair can be calculated using historical price data.

The assets may have a positive or negative correlation. A positive correlation indicates that if the price of one cryptocurrency rises, the price of the other will most likely rise as well, and vice versa.

Conversely, a negative correlation between asset prices indicates that the price of one crypto rises when the price of the other falls, and vice versa.

By keeping an eye on highly correlated MATIC pairs with either a positive or negative relationship, one can forecast the upcoming price movement of MATIC by observing the price movement of the pair’s other crypto.

Following are some of the most highly correlated MATIC pairs that you may keep an eye on:

Positively correlated MATIC pairs

1) Polygon (MATIC) and Ethereum (ETH)

Pretty obviously, as the price of Ethereum gas rises, demand for cheaper and faster alternatives like Polygon may rise, resulting in a stronger correlation between the two assets.

2) Polygon (MATIC) and Cardano (ADA)

MATIC and ADA have a strong positive correlation. Polygon and Cardano are both actively working to solve Ethereum problems such as high gas fees and congestion, and investors who are bullish on Cardano (ADA) are often also bullish on Polygon (MATIC). Indeed, Cardano is often taken as an alternative to Ethereum.

Polygon and Cardano have strong development teams and an optimistic roadmap, giving investors confidence in long-term prospects.

3) Polygon (MATIC) and Binance Coin (BNB)

Although there are no significant use-case correlations between these two assets, their prices have been highly correlated positively. Our statistical analysis shows a positive correlation coefficient of 0.7423 between MATIC and BNB’s closing prices in the specified time frame.

While some correlation tool websites like Cryptowatch shows a correlation coefficient of 0.51 between these assets.

4) Polygon (MATIC) and Avalanche (AVAX)

Polygon and Avalanche both are proof-of-stack (PoS) consensus based projects and provide faster transaction speed, addressing a major issue with Ethereum.

These assets are strongly correlated. As a result, whenever a positive signal is observed in the price of AVAX, it is highly likely that there will also be a positive movement in the price of MATIC, and vice versa.

5) Polygon (MATIC) and Solana (SOL)

The MATIC/SOL pair is also observed to be positively correlated.

Solana is a blockchain platform that, like Ethereum, encourages the development of decentralized apps. However, it can process transactions much faster than its rival Ethereum, and as a scaling solution to Ethereum, Solana is highly correlated with Ethereum, and thus with Polygon.

Negatively correlated MATIC pairs

MATIC PairsCorrelation
MATIC/Stellar (XLM)-0.1453
MATIC/Bitcoin Cash (BCH)-0.1981
Negatively correlated MATIC pairs

These MATIC pairs are observed as negatively correlated, which means that there is a likelihood that MATIC’s price will go up whenever the prices of the other coin in its pair fall and vice-versa.

Note: The aforementioned correlation coefficients, ranging between 0 and 1, are calculated on the basis of daily closing prices of pairs over a time frame of 25 July 2022 – 25 July 2023. Even while the correlation between two assets can be used to predict price movements, this indicator may not be very effective unless there are strong correlations between their fundamentals.

Major factors affecting the price of Polygon (MATIC)

Many factors influence the price of MATIC; the most important ones are:

Adoption of Ethereum: The adoption of Ethereum is a key factor that could drive up the price of MATIC in the future. Polygon (MATIC) is a Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum, which can help to reduce gas fees and improve transaction speeds on the network. If Ethereum is widely adopted, people will more likely use Polygon (MATIC) to take advantage of these benefits.

Developments of new dApps on Polygon: The launch of new and innovative applications on the Polygon network will boost the demand for MATIC, which will significantly increase the price of the token.

Launch of Polygon 2.0: Polygon 2.0 is a significant upgrade to Polygon, and it will have an impact on the entire Polygon ecosystem, either positively or negatively. However, according to the whitepaper, the upgrade is designed to strengthen the ecosystem.

Competition from other Layer 2 scaling solutions: Polygon is not the only Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum. There are Optimism and Arbitrum in the race and if any of its competitors lead the race, the price of Polygon (MATIC) could decrease significantly.

Regulatory changes: Pricing and uptake of cryptocurrencies are heavily influenced by regulatory changes implemented by governmental bodies. Such an incident occurred in June 2023, when the SEC designated MATIC as a security. Following this announcement, MATIC’s price and, as a result, market capitalization fell precipitously. It was down for a few weeks and is now slowly recovering from the impact of this catastrophe.

Overall performance of the Crypto Market: Crypto market is highly volatile in nature and no one knows whether it will surge or fall in the future. If the entire crypto market sees an uptrend, it is highly likely for MATIC’s price to increase, and in contrast, if the market sees a downtrend, its price is likely to fall. The market’s momentum will be a crucial factor for MATIC’s future price movement.

Polygon MATIC Price Predictions

1) MATIC Price Forecasts by Moneybinds

This table summarizes our Polygon MATIC price predictions.

Polygon crypto price prediction table

MATIC Price Prediction 2023

Based on our Polygon price prediction 2023, the minimum and average prices of the MATIC token will remain around the current value of the digital currency. While it is estimated to have a price of $1.262 on average throughout the year, its minimum value may dip to $0.753 in the days ahead.

MATIC’s maximum price this year can reach up to $1.955 if we look at the data, but the current market circumstances look unfavorable for this price. That said, the token has the potential to touch this maximum price in 2023.

MATIC Price Prediction 2024

2024 is anticipated to be a good start for Polygon (MATIC), with the possibility to reach a maximum price of $2.601 and an average price of $1.679. Its least possible price is also expected to stay above the $1 mark, i.e., $1.002.

MATIC Price Prediction 2025

Going on to 2025, MATIC is likely going to surpass $3, peaking at $3.144. Its value might vary throughout the year, averaging around $2.03 and falling as low as $1.211.

MATIC Price Prediction 2026

Continuing the year-on-year growing trend, the revolutionary project, Polygon would have received substantial recognition in the Web 3 and blockchain sphere. According to our Polygon crypto price prediction, this will drive the project’s native token to a maximum price of $3.845.

With an average value of $2.482, the token will be able to maintain a balanced market capitalization. However, in significant declining circumstances, it may dip to a minimum of $1.481.

MATIC Price Prediction 2027

In 2027, the crypto market will drive the MATIC token to a minimum price of $1.810. While the average price of digital currency is expected to revolve around $3.033, significant positive events in the community may lead its price to a peak of $4.698.

MATIC Price Prediction 2028

Looking at 2028, Polygon MATIC’s projected minimum and maximum prices range from approximately $2.065 to $5.360, respectively. This implies that the cryptocurrency’s value could continue to rise, potentially reaching levels beyond what we’ve seen.

The cryptocurrency will remain around $3.460 on average throughout the year, which is a good average for investors to see significant growth in their investments. However, it is only a calculated prediction, and the token’s value is not guaranteed. As a result, we strongly advise investors to exercise caution when making financial decisions.

MATIC Price Prediction 2029

Going on to the next year, MATIC is estimated to reach a maximum price of $6.762, crossing the $6 mark. While its average price is estimated to be around $4.365, it may reach a minimum price of $2.605 in bearish market circumstances.

MATIC Price Prediction 2030

By 2023, the overall blockchain and cryptocurrency market would have gained widespread acceptance. Most countries are expected to have well-organized policies and regulations. If this is the case, it will have a direct positive impact on MATIC’s price if the project remains on track toward its ultimate goal.

With a potential maximum price of $7.989, the digital currency will experience an upward trend in the year based on our Polygon price prediction 2030. Even in the worst market scenario, we predict that its price will not dip below $3.078. In usual scenarios, MATIC’s average price in 2030 is estimated to be approximately $5.157.

MATIC Price Prediction 2031

Breaking the record of its previous all-time highs, Polygon (MATIC) is projected to peak at a price of $10.040. This price will significantly boost the market capitalization of the digital currency.

However, in a bearish market scenario, it can get a minimum price of $3.868, and in neutral market sentiments, its average price is forecasted to be around $6.481.

MATIC Price Prediction 2032

With the year-on-year upward trend, MATIC’s price in 2032 is predicted to peak at $12.016, with a minimum possible price of $4.629. The value of the token in mild market scenarios is estimated to hover around $7.757.

MATIC Price Prediction 2033

In 2033, the highest price that MATIC can achieve is estimated to be $14.934, with an average price of $9.641 throughout the year. In a bearish market, its minimum value can reach down to $5.753.

MATIC Price Prediction 2034

Polygon (MATIC)’s price forecast for 2024 says that while in bullish market circumstances, the token’s price may reach a high of $17.954, it can dip to a minimum price of $6.916. The mean price of the digital asset is estimated to hover around $11.591, which is quite impressive.

MATIC Price Prediction 2035

Moving on to our Polygon price prediction 2035, the MATIC token will surge significantly in a bullish market. Based on our estimations, it can reach a maximum price of $22.072, which is almost 23% up than previous year’s maximum price.

MATIC’s minimum price in 2035 is predicted to be $8.502, with a whopping average price of $14.250.

2) MATIC Price Forecasts by Other Crypto Analysts

Here is a table that shows an overview of the Polygon (MATIC) forecasts by other prevalent crypto analysts on the internet:

Our average price prediction summary:

Average price forecasts for Polygon (MATIC) by Moneybinds
Average price forecasts for Polygon (MATIC)

Polygon MATIC price prediction for 100 dollars

Although it is not impossible for Polygon MATIC to reach the $100 mark, it will take notable time if the digital currency’s market trend and sentiment do not change significantly in the near future.

According to our prediction, Polygon MATIC will reach 100 dollars in 2042. More precisely, our MATIC price prediction for 2042 estimates to be $108.77. However, it is worth remembering that predicting prices for such a long period often proves to be false as the market is highly dynamic and volatile.

Note: The aforementioned Polygon (MATIC) price predictions are estimated by using our machine learning model and algorithms. We constantly work to make our algorithms better to provide more accurate predictions. Notably, we highly advise readers not to use our forecasts as financial advice.

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FAQs about Polygon MATIC Price Forecast

  1. Can Polygon MATIC reach $10?

    Yes. Polygon (MATIC) can reach $10 in 2031 according to our price forecasts. This prediction is indeed reasonable and reflects past data and market trends.

  2. Can Polygon MATIC reach $50?

    Yes. Polygon’s MATIC token has the potential to touch the $50 mark. Our predictions indicate that the digital currency will get this value in 2039.

  3. Can Polygon MATIC reach $100?

    Yes. Polygon (MATIC) can reach 100 dollars but it would take a notable period of time. Additionally, the project must perform outstandingly to achieve this milestone. If the market favors MATIC, it will get a $100 value in 2042 as per our price predictions.

  4. Can Polygon MATIC reach $1000?

    A price of $1000 is far too high for MATIC to achieve in the near future. However, if the token continues to grow at an exponential rate, it may reach this price in 2054, as predicted by our price forecasts.

  5. Is Polygon (MATIC) a good investment in 2023?

    Polygon (MATIC) may not be a good investment from a short-term perspective; however, it certainly has the potential to outperform in the long run.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, we can be confident about the future of Polygon (MATIC). Its price is anticipated to rise steadily as the project has long-term visions — the launch of Polygon 2.0 is one of the biggest steps the firm will take in the upcoming days. There will certainly be many ups and downs in the price chart when observed in a short time frame, but the long-term path looks quite clean.

Notably, the aforementioned price predictions for Polygon’s MATIC token are based on its historical trends and events. So, MATIC’s future prices will likely be aligned with our predictions if the token follows a similar trend. When there occurs a major event in the community, the digital asset will either surge or crash, with effects lasting for a few days or even months. However, the market will likely retain its stable growing position after the effect is over.

It is also important to note that our Polygon crypto price prediction in this article should only be considered as a perspective of analysis, not any financial advice.

Note: Unless otherwise noted, all price predictions and analyses of statistical data in this article reflect the author’s viewpoints as of the article’s publication date.

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Sanjiv Jaiswal
Sanjiv Jaiswal

Founder and Chief Editor
Jaiswal is a dedicated explorer of blockchain technology, crypto realm, and financial markets. With a passion for data analysis and a love for simplifying complex topics, he leads the Moneybinds team in delivering valuable and genuine insights.

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